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Global Institute for Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Responsible Future

"Lamun huwus kalah nusantara isun amukti palapa, lamun kalah ring gurun, ring seran, Tanjung Pura, ring Haru, ring Pahang, Palembang, Tumasik, samana isun amukti palapa"
- Sumpah Palapa Gadjah Mada

Who we are


Global Institute for Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Responsible Future (GIMKRF) is a research centre that consists of scholars from multidisciplinary disciplines with wide background regardless social scientists and scientists. Despite having different background, this research centre embraces the same voice which brings up 'The Voice of Nusantara Malay Archipelago'.


Board of Advisory Members in Global Institute for Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Responsible Future (GIMKRF) involve actively in activities with Nusantara communities in collaboration with Government, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), and many other associations.

International Nusantara Malay Archipelago Seminar Series

Explore Nusantara World

Nusantara Malay Archipelago is a huge area which is now consists of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Philippines, Thailand. Open our mind and let us start to explore the Nusantara World.

Nusantara School of Thought Lecture Series

Upcoming Events & Activities

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